Webflow Tutoring for Marketers and Website Owners

Custom curriculum
Individual or small groups
A laptop with Karina Demirkilic smiling and tutoring

Webflow tutoring service includes but not limited to:

Webflow for website owners

Do you have a great Webflow website and want to learn more about managing and updating it? Maybe you have specific questions in mind? We’ve got you covered!

Webflow for marketers

Are you focused on marketing, SEO, sales, and conversions, but new to Webflow and struggling with the learning curve? We specialize in helping marketers gain control over their websites and leverage Webflow for better results.

Webflow for project managers

Are you a project manager at a web design agency with projects built in Webflow, but you're not quite sure how everything works? After just a few sessions, you'll be able to answer client questions confidently and manage your Webflow projects like a pro!

Project-based consultations and reviews

No matter your role or position, we're here to answer all your Webflow-related questions. We can review your existing project and provide honest feedback, evaluate the skills of your Webflow developer, or assist you during interviews to hire one.

Why choose us

Personalized Webflow Training, Not a One-Size-Fits-All Course

We know Webflow

Webflow is our bread and butter, and we know it inside out. We stay updated with all the latest developments, best design and development practices, SEO optimization, accessibility, and trends. However, we don’t have a course for sale because we believe in a personalized approach that delivers faster results.

During sessions, we encourage you to ask questions and challenge us with them.

If you encounter specific difficulties while managing and updating your Webflow website, we are happy to advise comprehensive solutions.

We know how to empower you to take control over your website without risking damaging your build.

We love Webflow

We don’t believe Webflow is the best website builder on the market simply because we work with it. We work with Webflow because we believe it’s the best.

We love Webflow so much that it’s the exclusive tool we use for website building at Rapid Fire.

Our love for Webflow hasn’t blinded us; we are well aware of its limitations and cases where it may not be the best fit for your business.

"The day I discovered Webflow was a turning point in my life" — Karina Demirkilic, founder of Rapid Fire

We are passionate about teaching Webflow

When you love something and master it, sharing your knowledge becomes natural.

The curriculum will be custom-made in every case to match your current needs and cover your pain points.

We will focus on an aspect you are interested in (for example on-page SEO for marketers)

We will match your level of tech savviness while explaining things

Transparent hourly rates

  • Flexible Session Count: No minimum or maximum limits on sessions.
  • Convenient Scheduling: Sessions are scheduled to fit seamlessly into your calendar.
  • Rate: $75USD per hour.
A list of perks including flexible scheduling, live-online, real-time feedback and tailored to your needs

How Does It Work?

Customized approach, seamless experience. Discover how our Webflow Tutoring Service works.

Discovery Call

Let's connect over Zoom to introduce ourselves, discuss your objectives, and delve into details about your Webflow website.

Curriculum Development

Following the discovery call, your tutor will propose a tailored curriculum. This will outline the minimum number of sessions recommended and cover all your specific needs.

First Tutoring Session

The initial session is pivotal as it sets the pace for subsequent sessions. We'll adjust future sessions based on your feedback to ensure optimal results.

Subsequent Tutoring Sessions

Scheduled at your convenience, these sessions will follow the curriculum or pivot to address current challenges you're facing with your Webflow website.

Subsequent Tutoring Sessions

Scheduled at your convenience, these sessions will follow the curriculum or pivot to address current challenges you're facing with your Webflow website.


Why Choose Private Tutoring Over a Webflow Course?

Courses can be beneficial, and we've taken plenty ourselves. That’s why you don’t have to.

Here's why private tutoring might be the better choice for you:

  • Reach your goals faster with personalized guidance.
  • Private tutoring adds an extra level of accountability, helping you stay consistent.
  • Focus specifically on what you need, from your unique perspective.
  • Maximum Flexibility. Whether it's you or your entire team, sessions are scheduled at your convenience and frequency, with a customized curriculum.
A white board with a checklist of things to do.

Why Pre-Made Webflow Courses May Not Be the Best Choice?

While pre-made courses can be useful, consider these potential drawbacks:

  • Courses may not address your specific needs or learning style.
  • Less opportunity for personalized feedback and guidance.
  • Your success heavily depends on personal discipline (we know you've got it, but let us lend a helping hand).
A quiz with multiple choice answers

Will It Work for You?

Ensuring the right fit is crucial. Below, discover when our Webflow Tutoring service is the perfect solution—and when it may not meet your needs.
  • YES

    No matter your role, you work with Webflow websites but feel lacking in crucial knowledge that impacts your work enjoyment or productivity.

  • YES

    You highly value your time and have found pre-made courses or YouTube tutorials too generalized, leaving you feeling distant from your learning goals.

  • YES

    You're considering integrating Webflow in your workflow or moving your website to it and need a thorough understanding of its benefits and drawbacks beforehand.

  • NO

    Some individuals prefer self-paced or structured learning environments over personalized tutoring, which we respect. If you try our service and find it isn't the right fit after the first session, that's perfectly fine.

  • NO

    Individual tutoring sessions can be more expensive than pre-made courses. If cost is a concern, starting with a course and scheduling a few sessions to fill in gaps may be a more suitable option.

Secure a Customized High-Quality Webflow Tutoring Service


Get answers to your burning questions.

Is in-person tutoring available?

Absolutely! We offer in-person tutoring in Toronto, Canada, and worldwide upon covering travel expenses. This ensures we can meet your needs wherever you are.

How long does each session last?

Sessions typically last between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours. We believe sessions longer than 1.5 hours can become unproductive, as it’s easy to lose focus. The length can vary based on the topic and your availability.

Who can benefit from Webflow tutoring?

Our Webflow tutoring service is designed for various professionals and individuals, including:

  • Webflow website owners: Enhance your skills in managing and updating your Webflow site efficiently.
  • Marketers who work with Webflow websites: Learn how to leverage Webflow for effective marketing strategies, SEO, and conversions.
  • Project managers at web agencies: Understand Webflow to better oversee projects and communicate with clients.
  • Web agency owners: Equip yourself with comprehensive knowledge of Webflow to guide your team and optimize business operations.
  • Decision-makers considering moving their website to Webflow: Gain insights into the benefits and challenges of transitioning to Webflow for informed decision-making.

Whether you're looking to improve your website management skills, enhance marketing efforts, streamline project management, or evaluate Webflow as a platform, our tutoring service is tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.

Who are the tutors?

Currently, all tutoring sessions are conducted by Karina Demirkilic, the founder of Rapid Fire. Karina began her career as a web designer and expanded her expertise to include Webflow development. Her successful freelance career evolved into managing a web studio. Passionate about Webflow, Karina now focuses primarily on business development and tutoring, sharing her extensive knowledge and experience to help clients achieve their goals efficiently.

Can I request specific topic for a tutoring session?

Absolutely! Our Webflow tutoring sessions are fully customizable to meet your specific needs and interests. Whether you want to focus on enhancing user experience, CMS management, SEO optimization, content updates, or any other aspect of Webflow, we tailor each session to address your unique goals and challenges. Just let us know what areas you’d like to concentrate on, and we’ll ensure the curriculum is designed to help you achieve your objectives.

Will I get a video recording of the tutoring session?

Yes, all sessions are recorded, and you will receive a link to the video afterward. We hope you'll find it valuable and want to rewatch it multiple times!

Will you accept anybody as a student?

We aim to help as many people as possible, but there can be obstacles. If the project you need to work on (such as your website) is not manageable, it may hinder the effectiveness of our tutoring. We've encountered builds with messy code, no system, disorganized structures, and no naming conventions, which can be challenging to work with. Unfortunately, in such cases, tutoring may not yield the expected results. We'll determine if your project is suitable during and shortly after the discovery call.


You Are Very Close to Securing a Webflow Tutoring Service

Upon form submission, we'll promptly contact you to gather some initial details and schedule a comprehensive project discussion at your convenience.

Karina wearing a black shirt and a gold necklace.
Karina Demirkilic
Founder, LEAD Developer
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